
IPA provides vision and a collective voice for all Indiana pharmacy professionals. We build consensus for members working across the continuum of health care, including community pharmacies, health systems, ambulatory care and non-traditional pharmacy, such as managed care, long term care, industry and academia. IPA encourages members to get involved by serving on a board, a council or task force. Even if you don't become a volunteer, there are still valuable benefits for being a part of pharmacy's collective voice in Indiana. 


Advocacy + Legislative & Regulatory Representation

  • Join a collective voice for pharmacy professionals on legislative issues

  • IPA ensures our members' voices are heard by lawmakers, regulatory boards and other healthcare agencies

  • Participate in Indiana Pharmacists Legislative Day at the Indiana Statehouse

Professional Engagement & Networking 

  • Join a committee

  • Volunteer for a practice advancement initative

  • Attend an IPA event

  • Build your network

  • Find new ideas

Free and Discounted Continuing Education

  • Earn CE through IPA with annual live and self-study programs

  • Attend live (or virtual) CE events for free, or at a discounted rate
  • Complimentary CE Impact subscription for technician and pharmacist members
  • In addition to hearing about trending pharmacy and healthcare topics, live CE events are a great opportunity to build your professional network


Leadership Opportunities

  • Join a council

  • Join an Academy board

  • Serve on IPA's Board of Directors

Stay Up-to-Date

  • Stay up-to-date on the latest in pharmacy practice and news with our members-only communications

  • Bi-weekly InTouch e-newsletter

  • Monthly InTouch: Events and Meetings

Online Practice Resources

  • Tap into the knowledge of the state's pharmacists with tools and resources to advance your practice

  • Legislative & Regulatory information

  • Practice resources

  • Board of Pharmacy information

  • Ever-expanding resource library

Our Mission:

To be the voice and advocate for the profession of pharmacy in Indiana.

Our Vision:

To lead the advancement of Indiana Pharmacy by promoting legislation and innovations that optimize patient care, safety, and the health of our communities.