House Public Health Committee Hears HB 1445 and HB 1568
On Tuesday, February 7th, IPA traveled to the Indiana State House in Indianapolis to offer testimony on two bills. Our current IPA President, Dr. Veronica Vernon, provided this testimony. The first bill we testified in support of was HB1445 which is authored by Representative Ann Vermilion. It requires the department of insurance to issue a request for proposal to audit the prescription drug programs within the state employee health plan and the Medicaid program. The bill passed out of committee 13-0.The second bill that IPA testified in support of was HB 1568. It is authored by representative Elizabeth Rowray and aims to allow pharmacists who meet certain requirements to prescribe hormonal contraceptive patches and self-administered oral hormonal contraceptives. This is currently done in almost half the states. Due to time constraints, the Committee only had about 9 total minutes to hear testimony. The bill will be discussed again next Tuesday, February 14th.
Thank you to everyone who has supported the IPA's initiatives to advance the profession of pharmacy!