
House Public Health Committee Passes HB 1568

The House Public Health Committee heard additional testimony today regarding HB 1568. As a reminder, this bill was heard during last week's Committee meeting, but due to a shortage of time, and to allow additional testimony, the bill was heard again.  Although the opposition was strong, HB 1568 passed out of Committee 12-0 with bipartisan support.

IPA President, Dr. Veronica Vernon, once again provided powerful testimony explaining the extensive clinical training students receive in all three of Indiana's pharmacy schools regarding contraceptives and about her own experiences in the VA prescribing contraception. IPA member Ashley Meredith, a Clinical Professor of Pharmacy Practice at Purdue University also testified. Dr. Meredith teaches contraceptives explained to legislators that pharmacists all across Indiana are, based on a Purdue survey, very interested in prescribing contraceptives in order to greatly improve access to birth control for underserved communities and to also help prevent unintended pregnancies. 



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