Corporate Partners

The Indiana Pharmacy Association values its strategic partnerships with stakeholders across the profession of pharmacy. Please look to these corporate sponsors as leaders in the profession to assist you and your pharmacy in providing the utmost care to the patients you serve.  

Phone: 415-983-8300

As the oldest and largest healthcare services company in the nation, McKesson plays an integral role in health care and has a unique vision for its future. We serve more than 50% of American hospitals, 20% of physicians and 100% of health plans, and as the largest pharmaceutical distributor in North America, we deliver one-third of all medications used there every day.

Our software, distribution and business services play an essential role in addressing the challenges healthcare organizations face today — and shaping how they’ll overcome them tomorrow. We connect people and organizations, support the quest for higher quality and improved clinical outcomes, and help healthcare businesses run better. And that supports better patient health.
Pace Alliance
Independent Pharmacy Cooperative
Phone: 608-478-1099

Independent Pharmacy Cooperative (IPC) is proud to be the largest group purchasing organization for independent pharmacy owned by independent pharmacy. We strive to provide our member pharmacies with access to all of the solutions they need to be successful in today’s tough marketplace and our 6000+ members allow us to negotiate fantastic deals on a wide variety of programs and services from the top industry vendors.

Pharmacists Mutual
Pharmacists Mutual
Phone: 800-247-5930

Pharmacists Mutual Companies know pharmacy. Established in 1909, Pharmacists Mutual Insurance Company is the only insurance company that specializes exclusively in serving the insurance needs of pharmacists. Let Pharmacists Mutual help you protect the financial future of your business and your family. Pharmacists Mutual takes pride in being a single source of insurance protection and providing quality service. An expanding portfolio of products is available to meet the professional, personal and business insurance needs of the pharmacy profession. Full-time representatives, along with a professionally trained home office staff, provide personal contact and exceptional service. Trust the company that is the leader in providing a wide range of insurance coverages and programs for the pharmacy profession.

Pharmacists Mutual
Alliance for Patient Medication Safety
Phone: 866-365-7472
The Alliance for Patient Medication Safety (APMS) has been a federally listed Patient Safety Organization (PSO) since 2008. We encourage a strong culture of safety in community pharmacy and provide tools and resources for the improvement of workflow processes to reduce medication errors, improve medication use, and minimize patient risk. The APMS PSO provides the tools and the resources to help you collect, track, and analyze medication errors and “near misses” so that you can apply corrective actions, new process steps, or tweaks to your workflow. 

APMS was created by the National Alliance for State Pharmacy Associations (NASPA) in 2005 and is a 501(C)(3) supporting organization of NASPA.
Pharmacy Technician Certification Board

The Pharmacy Technician Certification Board (PTCB) was established in 1995 by the American Pharmacists Association; American Society of Health-System Pharmacists; Illinois Council of Health-System Pharmacists; and Michigan Pharmacists Association; and joined by the National Association of Boards of Pharmacy in 2001. PTCB advocates for a single national standard for pharmacy technician certification that is recognized and supported by the profession. Establishing a national standard for pharmacy technician certification is consistent with the approach used by other health professions, including the pharmacist licensure process.

Pace Alliance
PACE Alliance
Phone: 785-843-6912

Pace Alliance, founded in 1985 and owned by 19 state pharmacy organizations (including Indiana Pharmacy Association), is a national independent pharmacy support organization. Partnering with Independent Pharmacy Cooperative (IPC), the largest independent pharmacy buying group in the USA, and McKesson, the foremost pharmaceutical wholesaler, Pace Alliance promotes programs and services to help independent pharmacies compete in the marketplace.


Our Mission:

To be the voice and advocate for the profession of pharmacy in Indiana.

Our Vision:

To lead the advancement of Indiana Pharmacy by promoting legislation and innovations that optimize patient care, safety, and the health of our communities.