Legislative Day 2023
On January 24th, we hosted Legislative day at the Indiana State House. This event brought nearly 300 pharmacists, student pharmacists and pharmacy professionals from all around the state to Indianapolis to advocate for legislative changes that will affect pharmacy practice and patient care throughout Indiana. We had great representation from all three pharmacy schools in the state, with many students and faculty from Purdue, Butler, and Manchester. All these pharmacy professionals came together to express their support and interest in advancing pharmacist and technician responsibilities to increase access to patient care. Students from these schools and Wal-Mart pharmacy joined together to offer free health screenings to legislators. These screenings included blood pressure checks, along with blood glucose and cholesterol tests, as well as tobacco cessation counseling.The day consisted of some opening remarks from our president, Dr. Veronica Vernon, voicing our support and intentions of increasing quality of patient care. We also heard some remarks from several legislators, Rep. Ed Clere, Rep. Dr. Rita Fleming, and former representative and pharmacist, Sen. Ron Grooms. Each offered some words of support and encouragement for the bills that would affect pharmacist and technician responsibilities, women's health, and other healthcare related bills. Lieutenant Governor of Indiana, Suzanna Crouch also stopped by to say a few words about her appreciation for pharmacy throughout the state and encouraged our advocacy for more pharmacy involvement in healthcare. After this, all the attendees and legislators enjoyed a Chick-fil-A lunch and had the opportunity to talk to legislators about their personal stories in relation to these bills in legislation. 40 Legislators were in attendance!
Thank you to everyone who attended and voiced their support to advance the Profession of Pharmacy!