Academies & Councils
Serving on an IPA council, taskforce or Academy Board gives you the opportunity to directly engage in the profession and association. Share your experience, expertise, and passion to help the association better serve members and advance the profession. This involvement is also a great opportunity to create connections with colleagues across the state.
If you are interested in serving, contact
IPA's Academies are "chapters" of the Association based on practice-setting. Members interested in serving on an Academy Board are elected by the members of that particular Academy. Terms are for two years, running May 1 - April 30. Members can serve up to two consecutive terms. The Academy Boards plan activities and services, in alignment with the IPA Strategic Plan, for members of their respective academy.
Click on the Academy links to view current board members and academy-specific materials (as available).
Indiana Society of Health-System Pharmacy (ISHP)
ISHP is the state professional society of health-system pharmacists, technicians and students representing the pharmacy profession as it is practiced in hospitals and other organized health care settings.
Indiana Academy of Community Pharmacy (IACP)
IACP is the Academy of pharmacists, technicians and students representing the pharmacy profession as it is practiced in community and retail settings.
Indiana Academy of Non-Traditional Pharmacy (IANTP)
IANTP is the Academy of pharmacists, technicians, and students representing the pharmacy profession as it is practiced in non-traditional settings, including LTC, managed care, academia, research, and public health.
Indiana Academy of Independent Pharmacy (IAIP)
IAIP is the Academy of pharmacists, technicians and students representing the pharmacy profession as it is practiced in independent, non-chain pharmacy settings.
Indiana Academy of Student Pharmacists (IASP)
IASP is the Academy of students representing the unique interests of pharmacy students at all levels of pharmacy education.
Councils & Taskforces
IPA's councils and taskforces are the working "committees" of IPA. Members can join a council or taskforce without being elected. Terms are for one year, beginning May 1. A yearly call out for volunteers is held each spring.
Education Council
Co-Chairs: Mona Gupta (Novo Nordisk) and Brock Davis (HealthLinc)
The Education Council plans the educational programming for the Association by coordinating ACPE-accredited programming, including the Annual Meeting and Fall Conference.
New Practitioner Council
Co-Chairs: Molly Nichols (UT Ausin (remote) & Adjunct Faculty, Purdue University) and Jacob Zanolla (Purdue University)
The New Practitioner Council focuses on the recruitment and support of newly licensed pharmacists (up to seven years post-graduation).
Legislative and Regulatory Council
Co-Chairs: Ryan Ades (Purdue University) & Sara Trovinger (Manchester University)
The Legislative & Regulatory Council works with the IPA Board of Directors to set the legislative agenda and collaborates with lobbyists and legislators to pass legislation, in addition to advocating for the pharmacy profession before regulatory bodies.
Membership Council
Co-Chairs: Dawn Moore (Community Health Network) and Rachel Kruer (IU Health)
The Membership Council is responsible for coordinating all membership development activities of the association, including recruitment and retention efforts.
Technician Council
Co-Chairs: Kajal Ooka (Community Health Network) and Matt Williams (Optimum Wellness Pharmacy)
The Technician Council was newly formed in 2023 and is responsible for providing activities and support for IPA's technician members.
Health Equity Council
Chair: Lynn Thoma (Visante) and Laura Sosinski (Walgreens)
The Healthy Equity Council was formed in 2023 with the aims of identifying strategies to better serve populations that are underserved and marginalized, to align collaborative efforts to mitigate health disparities within Indiana, and to diversify IPA membership.
Ambulatory Care Affinity Group
Co-Chairs: Emily Papineau (Community Health Network) and Lauren Pence (Eskenazi Health)
The Ambulatory Care Affinity Group is the state professional group of pharmacists, technicians, and students representing the pharmacy profession as it is practiced in ambulatory care settings.