IPA Launches PAC Goal of Raising $24,000
At the Fall Conference on September 29, IPA officially launched its goal to raise $24,000 by the end of 2024
At the Fall Conference on September 29, IPA officially launched its goal to raise $24,000 by the end of 2024 to go towards our political action committee (PAC). PACs allow organizations such as IPA to be able to donate to campaigns of individuals who advocate for the practice of pharmacy at the Statehouse. These funds also allow us to host educational sessions with legislators. Reaching our fundraising goal would allow us to have a greater impact on advancing legislation that improves and benefits pharmacy practice. By supporting the IPA PAC, you will be able to directly contribute to advancing the practice of pharmacy in Indiana. It is our mission to continuously advocate for the progression of a pharmacist's and technician's role in healthcare so that we may be able to practice to the full extent of our education and training.
Make a donation here!