Comprehensive Resource Listings

Resources are color coded by region in the state, see key below.

  1. General Resources
    1. United Way 211 - A comprehensive source of information about local resources and services, offered all over the country. People can call 211 for this help or use the website to find their area’s corresponding website.
    2. IN Rural Health Association Help system - Indiana database of resources around the state that can be filtered by zip code. This database includes resources for food, housing, goods, transit, health, money, care, education, work, and legal assistance. The website is offered in multiple languages.
    3. Pharmacy Access to Contraceptives for Hoosers (PATCH) Resources Page - Offers other resources for residents of Indiana that include Primary and Urgent Care resources, Family Planning Clinics, Reproductive Healthcare Providers, STI testing, Immunizations, Crisis Pregnancy Centers, and more. 
    4. FSSA: Division of Disability and Rehabilitative Services - Statewide program for those with intellectual and developmental disabilities.
    5. Indiana Legal Services - Nonprofit law firm that provides free civil legal assistance to eligible low-income residents
    6. CICOA Aging & In-Home Solutions | Indianapolis, IN - A Central Indiana agency that offers information about public and private programs related to aging or disabilities, care plans for in-home services, meal deliveries, senior transportation services, caregiver support and resources, home accessibility assessments, assistance with hospital transitions, screening for nursing homes, and advocacy for senior-friendly communities. 
    7.  Shepherd Community Center - For residents in the Eastside of Indianapolis, Shepherd Community Center offers a food pantry and counseling services. They also provide addiction recovery counseling. 
  2. Mental health and well-being
    1. Brentwood Springs - Offers mental health services and substance use treatment, located in Newburgh, IN. They take most insurances and will work with the patient/insurance if not available.
    2. NAMI Evansville - Located in Evansville, they provide Crisis Counseling, Petitions for Treatment, and referrals to a legal representative, if necessary. All services are free, but patients are required to register and show up to support groups for information on housing and other local resources. 
    3. Peer Empowerment and Recovery ( - Located in Evansville, they offer classes for a variety of interests, informal counseling, help with technological deficiencies, and offer a place for people to rest and relax. The website updates with the latest offerings, and membership is free. No ID needed. 
  3. Children and Family Services
    1. Indiana Coalition Against Domestic Violence - Indiana database that includes domestic violence services and programs. These programs are certified and accredited member programs of the Indiana Coalition Against Domestic Violence. The database also contains information regarding abuse intervention programs and eviction help.
    2. Vanderburgh County Health Department - Offers WIC services, free home visits for children under 3 for parents,  and educational classes for diabetes, lifestyle improvements, and smoking cessation. Also offers testing and treatment for STDs for free and immunizations for Vanderburgh and Dubois counties. 
    3. Building Blocks | Childcare Assistance Evansville, IN - Helps accrue child care for children in need with families that cannot otherwise afford it
    4. Isaiah 1:17 Project - Ensures foster children are taken care of and helps foster parents/caregivers
    5. YWCA Evansville | Racial Justice | Women's Empowerment | Mentoring - help women and their children through multiple programs.
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